Wednesday, March 19, 2008

God's word is supreme and controls all things

Dear Treasure friend,

Grace and Peace be showed upon you in abundance in Jesus Name. Amen.
Do you know that your life and destiny lay in your Tongue? Your Tongue is your covenant gate-way to your destiny. “Death and life are in the power of your tongue:” (Proverbs 18:21).

“And he said unto me, son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O lord God, thou knowest. Again he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the lord”

(Ezekiel 37:3-4) we are a people of prophesy; we have been called and set apart by God to control circumstances and determine the course of events in the earth. This is a high calling and the enemy is aware of it, that’s why He would rather have us silent and let things happen to us. But we are not those who let things happen to us, we are those that make things happen.

In Ezekiel 37, the lord took Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones and asked him a very significant question, “Can these bones live”? of course, Ezekiel throw the question back to him saying, “O lord God, thou knowest’’ And then God said prophesy upon the bones, in addition, He told Ezekiel exactly what his prophesy should contain.
God knew that if Ezekiel would prophesy upon them, there would be a change. Reading from verse 1 to 10 you discover that each time Ezekiel prophesy God’s word as he was commanded, he got the exact results of his prophecy. Life came into the dry bones, and the bones located themselves on the field eventually stood up alive, an exceeding great army.

To prophecy means to speak the word of God in power. We have been given the word of God to enable us live victoriously. We are not only to believe the word; we ought to speak the word to get the result of the word. There’s no hopeless situation too big, or any sickness, infirmity or disease that wouldn’t be brought under subjection to God’s word when it is voiced through prophecy. Ezekiel was faced with a seemingly hopeless and despair situations; I mean what could be worse than a valley of disjointed bones with no skin or form of life? But He obeyed God and prophesied his word.

Where are you in your life today? “How dry and dead do you think your situation is? What can you do to that jobless situation, troubles that’s in your home, marriage and relationship? To that pain or terminal disease that has refused to leave your body? Like Ezekiel God has given you his word, so prophesy to the situation.

The bible says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of God dwells in you. God will not share His house with anything contrary so speak to your body today, speak to your life and destiny today bring it under subjection to the word of God. if you speak the first time and nothing happens, speak again, keep saying it, don’t stop declaring. In due time you would see the situation bow to the word of God because indeed God’s word is supreme and controls all things.


I speak to my bank account, my marriage, my dead relationship, and my home in Jesus name and I declare and prophesy success. I speak to my body in the name of Jesus Christ and I declare that every fibre of my being hears the word of the lord and responds to it. My mind, heart, skin, bones and all organs in my body responds, to the word of God. I dwell in perfect health every Day of my life.

I do not get sick because I have the life of God in me. That same spirit that raised my lord Jesus from the death dwells in me; therefore, my body is daily vitalized by his presence in me. I declare that my body daily functions in perfection.

The plans of the adversary the devil regarding my finance, health, job, relationship, and marriage will continually come to nothing because I am born of God. I have overcome all the plans and within my borders and the life of God in me flows out from me to everyone I come in contact with.
We care about you.
Everlasting at his vineyard
Rev. Kinsley Wobidi

PS Always remember to write your prayer request, or any comment in the comment column for every prayer request their are intercessors waiting to pray for you from different part of the world.

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