Monday, March 23, 2009

Your Man Of God Has Been Sent By God To Bless You.

Dear Treasure Friend and Partners,

Grace and peace be showered upon you in abundance in Jesus name. Amen! It is more thrilling to read the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath in 1king 17. The widow gave the prophet of God all she had, which was a portion that just enough to keep herself and her son alive. The woman’s faith moved the prophet to proclaim blessing of prosperity upon her (1 kings 17: 14). The little she had to eat and die was multiplied and she didn’t lack or die throughout the duration of the famine.

If you will only learn from the widow’s action, you will no longer need to look up to that your rich Uncle, church member, friend or government for prosperity. If the widow had eaten the food, she would have died. She was so sensitive and smart enough to recognize that true prosperity comes from the Lord. She gave all she had to the man of God and she got her miracle, just because she acted in faith. When you study the word of God from your Bible, you would discover that the king or the government of the day weren’t responsible for the people’s prosperity. The prophets were the ones responsible for they are God’s representatives. Not much has changed since them. Crying to political leaders to improve the economy of the nation wouldn’t yield much result because you’re calling on the wrong people; for they don’t have the means to empower you with wealth, “But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is he that gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant with you which he has swore unto your Fathers, as it is this day” (Deuteronomy 8:18).

The power to get wealth is with the Lord and not the kings, the politicians or the governments in 2 kings 6:26, a woman cried out to the king for help as there was severe famine in the land. The king responded without wasting time, “….if the Lord do not help thee, whence shall I help thee? Out of the barn floor, or out of the wine press? (2 kings 6:27). Even the king knew he couldn’t do anything about the devastated economy of the country without God. So if you are saying, or depending on when the American or the global economic recession will improve for you to start making it, you must change your mind now because it will never change to favour you. Your destiny is tied to God, and not to the world economy. So look up to God!

You have to realize that God wants you prosperous and your man of God has been sent by God to bless you. Therefore, when the land is dry, don’t look up to the government or the political leaders to help you, rather, look unto God through your man of God.

I believe in God’s word, and I operate by the principles in it. I don’t depend on the rulers of the day for my prosperity. I want you to say this loudly, “The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want”. I therefore refuse to lack for God is my source. Praise God!

We care about you.
Everlastingly at his vineyard
Evangelist Kingsley Wobidi
Always visit me at: evangelistkingsley

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