Monday, March 23, 2009

Knowledge Is The Key To Your Freedom

Dear Treasure Friend and Partners,

Grace and peace be showered upon you in abundance in Jesus name. The Bible says, “Through knowledge the just shall be delivered” (Proverbs 11:9). This scripture isn’t referring to being delivered from demonic spirits; rather, it’s talking about being delivered into your inheritance. Through the knowledge of God’s word a Christian can live in dominion and Victory over situations and circumstances; knowledge makes the Christian a freeman, (one who is not confined, obstructed, or fixed without making progress). In essence, knowledge is the key to your freedom.

When you buy a new electrical appliance, car, or a product you have never used before, the first thing you do is to read the producer’s manual in order to receive instruction to be informed on the proper use of the product. Even when you go to a pharmaceutical store to buy a medicine, there is always a leaflet inside of the packet instructing you on how to take it. With this instruction, you are placed in a position of advantage as you will be able to use the appliance or drugs properly. If however you are ignorant of how the appliance or drug works, you will not be able to use it to its maximum capacity. In the same way, when you don’t have knowledge of God’s word you will not be able to live in dominion and Victory over poverty, sickness, diseases, infirmity and the devil because you will be ignorant of who you are, what you have and your rights in Christ.

You have to realize that it is only the knowledge of God’s word that will move you forward in life. It will instil in you the mentality of one who reigns and overcomes the world and it’s systems; the Victor’s mentality. It’s unnecessary to live a defeated life; there is no need for that. Make up your mind now to study and learn God’s word. Don’t be a captive of ignoramus; rather, live in the freedom of knowledge. I have made up my mind long ago, and have refused to walk in ignorance or be a slave of the enemy. Choose to walk in knowledge of God’s word. The word is functioning in you right now, producing God-ordained results in you. Live as a freeman in the glorious liberty that is in Christ Jesus.

We care about you.
Everlastingly at his vineyard
Evangelist Kingsley Wobidi
Always visit me at: evangelistkingsley

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