Friday, December 5, 2008

As a Christian, God has given us authority over the devil and his cohorts.

Dear Treasure Friend,

Grace and Peace be multiplied upon you in abundance in Jesus Name. It is time for you exercise your God given authority over the devil and his cohorts.

The scripture says, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19 NKJV).

As a Christian, God has given us authority over the devil and the cohorts of hell. We can tame the forces of nature and exercise dominion over every negative situation like Jesus did while he walked the face of the earth.

Jesus revealed to us tremendous example of how we can exercise authority in our lives over devil Spirits, Fear, Sickness, Disease, Death, Poverty, and even inanimate objects. He talked to the wind; He talked to the sea; He spoke to a tree, and when He talked to dead bodies they came alive. He talked to maimed limbs and they grew and they grew out. He proved that everything in life has intelligence and exercised absolute authority over all things. He was never afraid. And as His Children, we are to follow his examples. Someone may argue that Jesus did all the marvelous things written about him in the bible because He is God. No! Jesus didn’t live in the earth as God, He lived as a man. That’s the reason He had to be anointed by the Holy Spirit. It was the anointing that made him supernatural. You received that same anointing when the Holy Spirit came into you. For that reason, the same power and authority that Jesus demonstrated during His earthly Ministry is vested in you today. You can calm every storm and quell any adversity. You can heal any Sickness, Disease, and infinity. You can cleanse the leper and raise the dead.

The Power and authority to do might miracles and perform signs and wonders have been given to you by Jesus. He said “…. All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth “ (Matthew 28: 18) and he has commissioned us to go in his name. In essence, we have the right to dominate this world and control the circumstances of life for our good as we exercise our God-given authority.

We care about you
Everlasting at his vineyard,
Evangelist Kinglsey Wobidi
Remember to always visit us at:

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