Monday, April 28, 2008

You Most Develop A Real Relationship With Him

Dear friend,

Grace and peace be multiplied upon you in abundance in Jesus Name. Do you know that the Holy Spirit is a real person that can help you fight your invincible battles? Hours before Jesus was crucified, He told the disciples that he would be leaving earth to return to His father in heaven. In response to their expressions of sorrow and dismay, He said, “…I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you”(John 16:7) It was difficult for the disciples to believe that there was anything more beneficial than Jesus physical presence. That is, He is the Holy Spirit, who is also called the comforter, counselor, Helper, intercessor, Advocate, strengthener and standby (John 14:16 AMP). You see, Jesus was God with them. However, what they were about to experience was God in them!

The Holy Spirit is a real person of the Godhead (1 John 5:5-7) and the most valuable asset in Christian living. Unfortunately, He has been the most misunderstood person in the Bible. Many people think that the Holy Spirit is little more than an emotion or a feeling; however, those are only outward expressions of His presence. When you become born again, the Holy Spirit was poured into your heart, planting a power seed within you (Romans 5:5) power is the “ability to get results’ Therefore, you were infused with power necessary to live a successful Christian life. The Holy Spirit’s presence in you enables you to operate in God’s capacity on earth.

Many Believers are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) However, the Holy Spirit wants to make sure that you are never destroyed. That is why part of His mission is to guide you into all truth (John 16:12-13) He knows all things and wants to give you knowledge. Your job is to engage His help and submit to him. When you do, He will show you things to come.

In these last days, which are filled with trouble, it is crucial to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. He is your invisible partner with whom you must develop a real relationship. When you have a true understanding of who He is, He’ll be able to carry out His mission in your life.

Jesus declared that we would do the works that He did during His earthly ministry and more. However, it will take a quality decision to love others, live a holy life and obey God’s commandments to see the power of God manifest through your life. Make these faith confessions every day to build your faith to do greater works.

Heavenly father, it is your desire that I demonstrate your power in the earth. Jesus said that I would do the works that He did and more I receive the anointing (power) to walk in the ministry of Jesus. You said that love is the more excellent way, and I purpose to allow God’s love to be the platform for every good work that I do in your name. I set myself apart as a holy vessel for your use and separate myself from the contaminating influences of the world. In doing so, I have confidence that I am fit and ready for any good work you would have me to do. I declare in the name of Jesus that there are no hindrances to the power of God flowing through my life. I submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and release my faith for greater manifestation of your power flowing through me to meet the needs of others. In Jesus name I pray.

May God bless you real good
Everlastingly at His vineyard
Evangelist Kingsley Wobidi

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